Career Coaching and Eggrolls
Yesterday morning I was at Westfield Mall in San Francisco doing a focused career coaching session. We sat outside a Chinese takeout and...
Step off the Career Ladder - there's a Better Way
Career Ladder Story: Must have the Title A couple of years ago I was hiring an emerging leader from a well-known firm to lead a new and...
How good are your Questions? They matter
I love this quote, it ties into many of my coaching areas. As a recruiting leader, I train my leaders and staff to encourage candidates...
Sirius Interview - How to be more successful in your job search
I had a great time talking with Dr Dawn on her Career Talk Radio on Sirius Channel 110. Dawn is the Director of Career Advancement at...
With today's Careers - Learning isn't Optional
Thomas Friedman wrote an article that made me stand up and cheer (hypothetically) about how to own your future. It made an almost...
"If" by Ruyard Kipling - a model for a well lived life?
One of my coaching clients shared this poem and it really struck home. I had read the poem years ago, but this timethe thoughts and...